Robert Howard was a legendary soldier, and one of the most decorated Americans of the Vietnam War. He was nominated for the Medal of Honor for three separate actions, finally receiving the Medal for his leadership on December 30, 1968.

Howard was part of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) in Vietnam, which led aggressive recon, patrolling and pilot rescue missions throughout South East Asia.

Hatchet Teams were MACV-SOG joint units of American and Vietnamese troops operating along the Ho Chi Minh trail. On December 30, 1968, Howard was the second in command of a Hatchet Team searching for a missing American soldier, Robert Scherdin, another Hatchet special forces soldier, who had been wounded and left behind one day earlier.

Howard’s unit was ambushed by two North Vietnamese companies soon after landing, and his platoon leader was badly wounded. Howard was struck himself and unable to walk, but he crawled through enemy fire to give his lieutenant first aid, then dragged the man back to his platoon’s perimeter. Howard then organized the defense, gave first aid and called in air strikes for three hours, repulsing the NVA forces.

Wounded 14 times over 54 months of combat, Howard received eight Purple Hearts, a Distinguished Service Cross, a Silver Star and four Bronze Stars. The DSC and Silver Stars were originally written as Medal of Honor citations, but downgraded because the mission were Top Secret.

Howard received the Medal of Honor from President Nixon and went on to a long career in the Army. Hedied in 2010 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Honor and remember this incredible American!