February 3 Willibald Bianchi Medal of Honor

Will you remember Willibald Bianchi, who received the Medal of Honor for his leadership during the defense of Bataan in 1942? Bianchi volunteered to lead a counter-attack against Japanese troops, pressing the attack even though wounded several times. 

Bianchi was taken prisoner and endured the Bataan death March, where he was known for his compassion and leadership. Bianchi received the Medal citation form general MacArthur at his hospital bed in Corregidor in March 1942.

Bianchi was from Minnesota originally, and he graduated from South Dakota State University in 1939, before earning a ROTC commission in 1940. Sadly, he died later when an American plane mistakenly bombed his prison ship in 1945, so his body was never recovered. Bianchi’s mother, Carrie, received the Medal of Honor in a ceremony at Fort Snelling in 1946.

Honor and remember him! 

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