July 26 Ray Eubanks Medal of Honor

Though wounded, Ray Eubanks rushed a Japanese machine gun nest that had pinned down his platoon in New Guinea. He died in the attempt but saved his men and later received the Medal of Honor. Honor and remember him!

July 25 Ambrosia Guillen Medal of Honor

Marine Staff Sergeant Ambrosio Guillen received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his leadership in the Korean War. Guillen led his platoon in repelling two communist battalions during a night attack, but succumbed to his wounds incurred in battle. Honor and remember him! Read his Medal of Honor citation:

July 24 Richard Pittman Medal of Honor

Lance Corporal Richard Pittman earned the Medal of Honor in Vietnam when he rushed to aid of an ambushed platoon, grabbing a machine gun and attacking the Viet Cong, exposing himself to fire, rescuing wounded Marines and beating back a forty man counter-attack. Pittman had a twenty year career in the Marine Corps, retiring as a Master Sergeant in 1988. … Read More

July 23 George Boyce Medal of Honor

George Boyce, an Army Lieutenant received the Medal of Honor for his actions this day in New Guinea, where he threw himself on a grenade to save his men’s lives. From Cornwall, NY, Boyce is buried at the Manila American Cemetery in the Philippines.  Read his Medal of Honor citation and honor and remember him.

July 22 Leonard Mason Medal of Honor

Leonard Mason, USMC, received the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership during the liberation of Guam. Mason single-handedly reduced a Japanese defensive position, freeing pinned down Marines to move forward.  Read his Medal of Honor citation and honor and remember him. Parenthetically, I was amazed to learn that pith helmets were still a uniform items for Marine officers in … Read More

July 21 Donald Lobaugh Medal of Honor

Donald Lobaugh received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his leadership on this day in New Guinea, when he singlehandedly knocked out a Japanese machine gun emplacement, saving 39 Americans pinned down by enemy fire. Honor and remember him! Lobaugh was a tough kid who got into a lot of trouble when he was a kid, going to reform school … Read More

July 20 William Dean Medal of Honor

William Dean received the Medal of Honor in Korea, when he led the 24th Division in a last ditch stand at Taejon, during the battles around the Pusan perimeter, fighting on the front lines until he was injured and captured. He was a North Korean prisoner of war for three years. Honor and remember him.  Dean tried to join the … Read More

July 20 Moon Landing

American ingenuity and dedication led to firs man on the moon today. “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!”

July 19 John Henry Balch Medal of Honor

John Henry Balch received the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership at Belleau Wood, when, serving as a Navy Corpsman, he exposed himself to enemy fire to treat wounded Marines. He was wounded at Belleau Wood but went back to his unit and fought again in October 1981, when he was credited for carrying wounded Marines to safety. Balch … Read More

July 18, 1944 – Major of St. Lo

On July 16, 1944, Thomas Howie was ordered to lead his troops to relieve their brother battalion of the 116th Infantry Regiment, which has been surrounded by Germans, and to liberate St Lo in Normandy. Howie was a well respected officer who had graduated from the Citadel and then taught and coached football in Virginia. A National Guardsman, he went … Read More