Louis Rocco Medal of Honor

Louis Rocco Medal of Honor, honor and remember! Rocco served two tours in Vietnam as a medic. On his second tour, he saved two helicopter pilots from a burning helicopter, despite having a broken wrist and hip from the crash. Rocco received the Medal in 1975 in a ceremony with President Gerald Ford, himself a World War II surface warfare … Read More

William Carney Medal of Honor

William Carney, a Sergeant in the 54th Massachusetts Regiment, earned the Medal of Honor for actions this day at Fort Wagner, when he retrieved and protected the regiment’s colors after the color bearer was struck down. Carney was born a slave in Norfolk, VA, before escaping to join his father in Massachusetts. He joined the 54th in 1863, and fought … Read More

Midway Battle Water Ruse

On May 22, 1942, American code breakers executed a plan that identified the Imperial Japanese Navy’s objective at the Battle of Midway, by broadcasting messages from the American base there communicating a water shortage. The Japanese picked up this radio traffic and relayed it in code, which the Americans had partially broken, allowing them to identify the object of the … Read More