Presley O’Bannon & His Marines Storm Derna, Tripoli

United States Marines under the command of PRESLEY O’BANNON stormed the city of Derna in Libya, in the first land battle by the United States on a foreign shore after the Revolution. A legendary band of Marines, honor and remember them!

Michael Estocin Medal of Honor

Honor and remember Michael Estocin, who earned the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions over Vietnam in April 1967.

Brad Hoelscher Shoots Down A Me-262 German Jet

USAAF P-51D fighter pilot Brad Hoelscher shot down a German Me-262 jet on this day. Hoelscher was shot down himself moments later. Bailing out of his plane, he evaded capture for two weeks before the end of the War. He later flew over Korea and Vietnam. Honor and remember him!