March 10 Bernard Fisher Medal of Honor

Bernard Fisher earned the Medal of Honor when he landed his Skyraider under intense enemy fire at a damaged Special Force airstrip in Vietnam to rescue a fellow downed pilot. Honor and remember him!

Fisher’s Medal of Honor Citation: 

During March 10, 1966, he led a two-ship element of Skyraiders to the A Shau Valley to support troops in contact with the enemy. Six “Spads” were striking numerous emplacements when the A-1 piloted by Major Dafford Wayne “Jump” Myers (1919–1992) was hit and forced to crash-land on the airstrip of a CIDG-Special Forces camp. 

Myers bellied in on the 2,500-foot runway and took cover behind an embankment on the edge of the strip while Fisher directed the rescue effort. Since the closest helicopter was 30 minutes away and the enemy was only 200 yards (180 m) from Myers, Fisher quickly decided to land his two-seat A-1E[2] on the strip and pick up his friend. 

Under the cover provided by the other A-1s, he landed in the valley, taxied to Myers’ position, and loaded the downed airman into the empty seat. 

Dodging shell holes and debris on the steel-planked runway, Fisher took off safely despite many hits on his aircraft by small-arms fire.

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