the Korean War. His physical courage and drive and what he did in combat are unbelievable. What’s also crazy, though, is how when you scratch the surface on a story like this, the other soldiers and leaders who were with Jordan on that day were GIANTS as well. There are not many easy to find photos of Johnson, who was … Read More
November 13 Daniel Callaghan Medal of Honor
Admiral Daniel Callaghan earned the Medal of Honor posthumously for leading the American naval force to victory at theBattle of San island, off Guadalcanal. He was killed when an enemy shell hit the bridge of his flagship, the USS San Francisco. Honor and remember him!
November 13 Bruce McCandless Medal of Honor
Bruce McCandless earned the Medal of Honor during the Battle of Savo island off of Guadalcanal when he recovered from unconsciousness after a shell hit the bridge of the USS San Francisco, killing all of the more senior commanders, took command himself, got the ship back in the fight and led the fleet’s attack against the Japanese Navy, ensuring American … Read More
November 12 Ralph Elias Medal of Honor
Ralph Elias earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, when he rushed a North Vietnamese bunker that had pinned down his fellow Marines. Despite being shot four times in his rush on the bunker, he succeeded in tossing grenades into the bunker and saving the lives of his fellow Marines. Honor and remember him!
November 10 Footsie Britt Medal of Honor
I am a little out of order with the dates, as there is lots to commemorate and write about over the last few days, and there is never a bad day to remember the great “Footsie” Britt, who earned the Medal of Honor 80 years & 2 days ago in Italy. Honor this great American!
November 9 Henry Gurke Medal of Honor
Private First Class Henry Gurke, a Marine Raider fighting in the Solomon Islands, earned the Medal of Honor posthumously, when he threw himself on a Japanese grenade to save the life of his buddy in their fighting hole.
November 8 Demas & Hamilton Medal of Honor
Demas Craw and Pierpoint Hamilton earned the Medal of Honor for a courageous mission to travel beyond friendly lines and convince the French forces defending Morocco to surrender to the Allied landing at Torch. They succeeded in their mission, saving countless lives, but Craw was killed in the effort by machine gun fire. Honor and remember them!
November 7 Herbert Thomas
Sergeant Herbert Thomas earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in combat on Bougainville, when he threw himself on a ricochet grenade to save the lives of his fellow Marines.