Thinking about the thousands of Americans in vicious combat against Nazi troops at the Battle of the Bulge today. We should honor men like Paul Bolden, who earned the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership today, 79 years ago! Bolden was a Staff Sergeant in the 30th Infantry Division who assaulted a Waffen SS block house, tossing grenades in … Read More
December 20 Francis Curry Medal of Honor
I am thinking about Sergeant Francis Currey, who earned the Medal of Honor OTD during the Battle of the Bulge when he exposed himself to enemy fire repeatedly, firing a bazooka to stop a panzer, manning a disabled half-track’s machine gun to suppress the enemy, & substantially blocking the German advance. An orphan from New York, Currie joined the Army … Read More
December 19 Truman Kimbro Medal of Honor
I’d like to honor Sergeant Truman Kimbro today, who earned the Medal of Honor OTD during the Battle of the Bulge, when he single handedly laid mines across a road, blocking a German advance, while under intense fire. What incredible courage! Kimbro was a combat engineer with the 2nd Infantry Division, who had the mission of mining a road to … Read More
December 19 The American Crisis
Thomas Paine published his first “American Crisis” essay in the Pennsylvania Journal, writing: “These are the times that try men’s souls.”
December 18 Bernard Bell Medal of Honor
I read about Bernard Bell the other day & was amazed. Bell earned the Medal of Honor OTD during the Battle of the Bulge, leading his squad to seize & defend a blockhouse, killing 20 Germans, capturing 33, & driving back 150. Honor & remember him! Bell joined the Army from New York City, though he was born in West … Read More
December 17 Sergeant Jose Lopez
Let us honor Sergeant Jose Lopez today, who earned the Medal of Honor 80 years ago during the Battle of the Bulge, killing over 100 Germans and allowing his company to escape encirclement. Tell his story to your fellow Americans! On his own initiative, Lopez grabbed a machine gun and protected his company’s left flank, mowing down 35 German infantry, … Read More
December 16 The Boston Tea Party
Eternal & undying respect & thanks for the Sons of Liberty – Sam Adams, John Hancock, Paul Revere, James Otis, Joseph Warren & many others – who led & executed the Boston Tea Party OTD, 250 yrs ago. Honor & remember!
Arther Vandegrift Medal of Honor
Please join me in honoring and remembering the United States Marine Corps’ first four star general officer, later Commandant, and leader of the First Marine Division on Guadalcanal, who earned the Medal of Honor for his inspiring example and wisdom on this day. “The Marine Corps, then, believes that it has earned this right—to have its future decided by the … Read More
December 8 Elmer Frayer Medal of Honor
Today, we should honor and remember Elmer Fryar, who earned the Medal of Honor posthumously on Leyte in the Philippines, in combat against Japanese troops. Fryar held off a Japanese platoon single-handedly that was trying out flank his company. Later, he jumped in front of a wounded soldier to protect him from a Japanese sniper. Fryar killed this enemy with … Read More
December 7 Francis Flaherty Medal of Honor
We would do well to honor & remember Francis Flaherty, who gave up his life 82 years & one day ago, staying in the turret of the capsizing USS Oklahoma after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, guiding his fellow sailors to safety, & earning the Medal of Honor posthumously. Flaherty, from Charlotte, Michigan and raised Catholic, joined the Navy … Read More