Forrest Vosler Medal of Honor

Forrest Vosler received the Medal of Honor for his leadership on this day over Europe, when he stayed at his post despite being badly  wounded when his B-17 was hit by flak, working the radio set though blinded, refusing medical assistance & saving the tail gunner’s life when they plane ditched in the Channel. 

Vosler was on only his fourth combat mission. The bombing raid went baldy awry, attacked by 125 German fighters over Bremen. When the tail gunner, George Buske, was badly wounded, Vosler took up his position and kept firing at the enemy.

TMOF Boeing B-17F Boeing Bee in flight

Vosler’s plane was hit twice and forced to ditch in the Channel on the way back to England. Though blinded, Vosler got the radio working by touch to send a distress call. When the plane hit the freezing water, Vosler saved Buske, dragging him with one arm into the lifeboat.

After the War, Vosler worked for the VA and raised a family, while Buske oversaw a lumber yard and had kids of his own. Honor and remember Forrest Vosler and George Buske, and all the Americans who flew over Europe!