Francis Curry Medal of Honor

I am thinking about Sergeant Francis Currey, who earned the Medal of Honor OTD during the Battle of the Bulge when he exposed himself to enemy fire repeatedly, firing a bazooka to stop a panzer, manning a disabled half-track’s machine gun to suppress the enemy, & substantially blocking the German advance.

An orphan from New York, Currie joined the Army a week after graduating from high school at age 17, and by July 1944 was in France. A replacement to the 30th Infantry Division, he was manning a bridge and strongpoint on December 21 as the Germans launched their surprise attack.

Currey’s Medal of Honor citation is awe inspiring:

Currey’s company commander recommended him for the Medal of Honor, which he received in the summer of 1945. After the War, he worked for the VA and then moved to Myrtle Beach, SC, passing in 2019. Honor and remember Francis Currey!