Remembering George Turner today, who earned the Medal of Honor OTD in France when he fired a bazooka in the open and then a light machine gun from the hip to break up a German attack. Honor and remember him!
Turner was a 46 year old Private from California. He had enlisted in the Marine Corps in World War I but the War ended before he went overseas. He had attended the Wentworth Military Academy.
In early January, Turner had been separated from his artillery battalion and joined an infantry company that was retreating while under attack. Turner displayed incredible leadership, exposing himself to enemy fire to stymie the Germans and trying to get injured Americans out of burning vehicles. Turner was badly wounded himself during the afternoon, but his spirited resistance motivated his fellow Americans.
Turner received the Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman on August 23, 1945. He passed away in 1964 and is buried in Arlington National Cemetery. Honor and remember him!
(If you are wondering, I made the first image in this thread by rendering, adjusting and illustrating the below picture of Turner, along with some other historical imagery, using Procreate and Photoshop.)