I’d like to honor Sergeant Truman Kimbro today, who earned the Medal of Honor OTD during the Battle of the Bulge, when he single handedly laid mines across a road, blocking a German advance, while under intense fire. What incredible courage!

Kimbro was a combat engineer with the 2nd Infantry Division, who had the mission of mining a road to prevent the German attack that had broken out days earlier. The Wehrmacht was driving hard to break through the American lines on December 19, 1944.

Kimbro and his squad tried to lay their mines, but the crossroad was covered by German machine guns, so Kimbro crawled out on his own, leaving his men under cover. He succeeded in sowing the road with mines before he was killed by the Germans.
Kimbro’s actions stopped the German advance along that road and slowed their overall momentum. He received the Medal of Honor posthumously and is buried at Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery in Henri-Chapelle, Belgium. Honor and remember him!