Robert Nett Medal of Honor

Let us remember Robert Nett today, who earned the Medal of Honor OTD in 1944, leading Americans in the Philippines. Though wounded twice, he stayed in the fight until hit a third time.

Nett only accepted medical treatment and extraction when he situation was under control and he could hand command to his executive officer. After medial treatment, he rejoined his division for the Okinawa campaign.

Nett had enlisted in 1940 at the age of 17, obscuring his birth year on his birth certificate to get into the Army. He went to Officer Candidate School and was leading soldiers in the invasion of Leyte by 1944 with the 77th Infantry Division. 

Nett received the Medal of Honor on February 8, 1946, in his hometown of New Haven, CT. He went on to a long career in the Army, fighting in Korea and Vietnam, and is knows as the “Father of Officer Candidate School.” Honor and remember Robert Nett!