Second Lieutenant Robert Reem earned the Medal of Honor posthumously when he threw himself on a Chinese grenade to save the lives of his fellow Marines. Honor and remember this great American!
November 5 Mitchell Red Cloud Medal of Honor
Mitchell Red Cloud served in both the Marine Corps and in the Army. Red Cloud had fought at Guadalcanal as one of Evans Carlson’s Marine Raiders, taking part in the famed Long Patrol, on which he lost 75 pounds. Badly afflicted by dysentery and malaria, Red Cloud recuperated in the United States, but he refused a medical discharge. Instead, he … Read More
November 4 Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan was elected president for the first time on this day in 1980. He knew well that “freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
November 3 William Marland Medal of Honor
Honoring William Marland today, a Massachusetts man who received the Medal of Honor in the Civil war, when he led a charge against surrounding Confederate troops to save his artillery battery. (Honestly, Marland looks like a nail eater.)
November 2 Emil Kapuan Medal of Honor
Thinking about Emil Kapuan today, who received the Medal of Honor for his incredible and unbelievably selfless leadership during the Korean War. A chaplain, he stayed behind with wounded American soldiers when the 1st Cavalry Division was overrun by Chinese troops in November 1950. Kapuan already had served as a chaplain in World War II in the Burma theater. From … Read More
November 1 Harold Furlong Medal of Honor
Harold Furlong earned the Medal of Honor during World War I as the Allied Armies hammered the Kaiser’s troops. After the War he became a doctor, and then served again in World War II, overseas in the Medical Corps. Honor him! On November 1, 198, Furlong’s company attacked German entrenchments near Bois-de-Bantheville. When his company commander was killed, Furlong took … Read More
October 31 Riley Pitts Medal of Honor
Riley Pitts received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions this day against communist forces in Vietnam, when he led his company against entrenched Viet Con troops before he was mortally wounded. Honor and remember him! Pitts was a company commander in 2nd Battalion, 27th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division in late 1967. When an enemy grenade fell close to … Read More
October 30 John Adams Birthday
Honoring the great John Adams on his birthday. What a leader! Devoted to individual rights and liberty of conscience, Adams risked all – his family, fortune and life – for a vision of a new American society, grounded in rational thought and strong cultural morality. Share and commemorate this Founding Father’s Birthday!
October 29 Bill Maudlin, A Great American Original
Honoring Bill Maudlin today, a World War II soldier who created a cartoon series about two typical American infantry soldiers, Willie & Joe, on his birthday. Maudlin received two Pulitzer Prizes over his lifetime of work. Maudlin came from a military family. His father was an artilleryman in Wolrd War I and his grandfather had been a scout in the … Read More
October 28 James Okubo Medal of Honor
Thinking about James Okubo, who earned the Medal of Honor for actions between today and November 4, 1944 as a medic at Biffontaine, France, when he aided 23 soldiers while under intense German fire. Okubo was born in Anacortes, Washington and was interred with his family at the Tule Lake, CA and Heart Mountain, WY camps for Japanese-Americans. He joined … Read More