October 21 Harold Moon Medal of Honor

Harold Moon, known as the company screw up, was released from the stockade to join in the liberation of the Philippines. He earned the Medal of Honor posthumously during the Leyte landings, when he manned his machine gun to defeat a massive Japanese counter-attack.

October 20 Francis Wai Medal of Honor

Francis Wai, a Chinese-American and a UCLA grad, earned the Medal of Honor posthumously on this day for his heroic leadership during the liberation of the Philippines. Honor and remember him!   

October 19 Bernie Hajiro Medal of Honor

Barnie Hajiro earned the Medal of Honor in France, for his leadership and courage from October 19 to October 29, exposing himself to enemy fire and single-handedly destroying German machine gun emplacements, in the effort to relieve the “Lost Battalion”. Honor and remember him!  

October 17 Yorktown

On October 17, 1781, a British office waiving a white handkerchief approached the besieging forces at Yorktown to ask the French and Americans for terms of surrender. 

October 18 Max Thompson Medal of Honor

Army Sergeant Max Thompson received the Medal of Honor for single-handedly attacking a series of German emplacements despite being wounded himself.  

October 17 Junior Van Noy Medal of Honor

Junior Van Noy received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic leadership during fighting in New Guinea, when he stayed at his machine gun post despite being wounded, and slaughtered half of the attacking Japanese.  

October 17 Pappy Boyington Medal of Honor

Pappy Boyington received the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership over the Pacific, leading his Marine fighter squadron against superior Japanese forces and always leading by example. 

October 17 Battle of Saratoga

General John Burgoyne surrenders to General Horatio Gates at the Battle of Saratoga, the key American victory that saved the Revolution and brought the French in to support American.           

October 15 Ralph Talbot Medal of Honor

Pretty incredible Marine Corps story… Ralph Talbot earned the Medal of Honor posthumously for his leadership flying over France in World War I. He was the first Marine aviator to earn the award, but his navigator/observer in the action for which he earned the MoH, Gunnery Sergeant Robert Robinson, also earned the MoH. Talbot joined the Navy from Yale in … Read More