Robert Goddard the father of rocketry and American space exploration, was born this day.
October 4 Manuela Mendoza Medal of Honor
Manuel Mendoza, a Staff Sergeant in the 88th Division fighting in Italy, led a spirited defense against a German attack of 200 troops. His Distinguished Service Cross was posthumously upgraded to the Medal of Honor in 2014.
October 3 Richard Kraus Medal of Honor
United States Marine Richard Kraus saved the lives of his fellow devil dogs when he threw himself on a Japanese grenade at Peleliu. Honor and remember a Marine who sacrificed everything for his country and Corps.
October 2 Chris Carr Medal of Honor
Sergeant Chris Carr earned the Medal of Honor in Italy in 1944 when he single-handedly attacked and defeated five German machine gun emplacements, killing eight Germans and capturing twenty-two. He later served in the Korean War. Read his Medal of Honor citation to honor and remember him.
October 1 Joseph Thompson Medal of Honor
Irish immigrant Joe Thompson earned the Medal of Honor in France for his repeated inspirational leadership as a Major and infantry officer. Wounded four times, he always stayed on the line and led from the front. Before the War, he had been the University of Pittsburgh’s football coach and a lawyer. He died at age 56 from complications from his … Read More
September 30 George Robb Medal of Honor
George Robb earned the Medal of Honor for his leadership in World War I when, though wounded by machine gun fire and then hit four more times the subsequent day, he stayed in the fight and took command of his company when all senior leadership was killed, ensuring that his unit took the objective. He survived the War and lived … Read More
September 29 Michael Monsoor Medal of Honor
Navy SEAL Michael Monsoor earned the Medal of Honor posthumously on this day in Ramadi, Iraq, when he smothered a grenade with his body. Honor and remember him!
September 28 Oscar Miller Medal of Honor
Battalion commander Oscar Miller earned the Medal of Honor posthumously for his leadership during the Meuse-Argonne offensive, leading his soldiers onwards despite being wounded twice in the arm and leg. He was finally cut down by a third shot, but urged his troops forward to take the objective. He died a few days later and is buried in the Meuse-Argonne … Read More
September 28 Harold Bauer Medal of Honor
Marine fighter ace Harold Bauer earned the Medal of Honor, posthumously, for his actions and leadership over Guadalcanal from May 10 to November 14, 1942, including the first feat in his citation on this day, downing a Japanese bomber. He repeatedly attacked stronger enemy formations and, on October 16, though low on fuel, single-handedly defended the USS MacFarland from a … Read More
September 27 Deming Bronson Medal of Honor
Deming Bronson earned the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership in World War I on this date, when he refused to be evacuated despite being wounded three times, and led soldiers during the Meuse-Argonne offensive. A football player at the University of Washington before the War, he is one of eight UW alumni who earned the Medal of Honor … Read More