September 18 Arthur Jackson Medal of Honor

PFC Arthur Jackson earned the Medal of Honor for a ferocious one man assault on Peleliu in which he destroyed twelve pill boxes and killed over 50 Japanese soldiers.

September 15 Carlton Rouh Medal of Honor

First Lieutenant Carlton Rouh earned the Medal of Honor for saving several Marines lives by throwing himself on a grenade at Peleliu. Read his Medal of Honor citation to honor and remember him.

September 14 Edgar Lloyd Medal of Honor

Army Lieutenant Edgar Lloyd received the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership in fighting off a German counter-аttасk.. Read his Medal of Honor citation to honor and remember him. 

September 13 The Star Spangled Banner

Francis Scott Key witnesses the British assault on Fort McHenry and notes that the American flag was still flying at daybreak, inspiring him to write the national anthem.

September 13 Almond Fisher Medal of Honor

Army Lieutenant Almond Fisher received the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership in fighting off a German counter-attack. Fisher survived the War and served for 19 years in the New York National Guard, retiring as a Lieutenant-Colonel. Read his Medal of Honor citation to honor and remember him.