John McVeigh earned the Medal of Honor posthumously for his leadership when his company was overrun by Germans near Brest, France. McVeigh stood in the open to direct machine gun fire. When he was out of ammunition, he charged the Germans with a knife, killing one before he was struck down. Honor and remember him! Read his Medal of Honor … Read More
August 28 Jose Jimenez Medal of Honor
Lance Corporal Jose Jimenez posthumously earned the Medal of Honor for his leadership and sacrifice in Vietnam. Ambushed by North Vietnamese troops, Jimenez aggressively assaulted through the enemy, destroying several positions and giving his fellow Marines the space to regroup. Honor and remember him!
August 27 Stephen Gregg Medal of Honor
Stephen Gregg earned the Medal of Honor for his leadership during the battle around Montellmar, France. Gregg covered a medic who was evacuating wounded soldiers, escaped capture by the Germans and recaptured a mortar position. Read his Medal of Honor citation, and honor and remember him!
August 26 Melvin Handrich Medal of Honor
Master Sergeant Melvin Handrich earned the Medal of Honor for his leadership during the defense of the Pusan perimeter in the Korean War. Handrich had fought throughout World War II earning the Bronze Star and fighting in both the Pacific and Europe. Honor and remember him!
August 25 The Liberation of Paris
American and French troops liberate Paris from four years of Nazi rule.
August 25 Harold Garman Medal of Honor
Harold Garman received the Medal of Honor for his courageous actions as a medic in France on this day. He was evacuating wounded Americans back across the Seine River, when they came under fire from a German machine gun team. Garman jumped into the river, swam to the boat and towed it to safety. Garman survived the war and lived to … Read More
August 24 Richard Andersen Medal of Honor
Lance Corporal Richard Anderson earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, when he threw himself on a Vietnamese grenade to save the life of his fellow Marines. Honor and remember him! Read his Medal of Honor citation:
August 23 King George III Declares Colonies In Rebellion
George III declares the colonies to be in a state of rebellion. King George’s proclamation was a deliberate rebuff to the “olive branch” petition delivered by congress. The King’s actions moved more colonists to independence.
August 23 Alvin P Carey Medal of Honor
Staff Sergeant Alvin P. Carey received the Medal of Honor for his leadership on this day as the United States, British and Allied armies continued to roll up the Falaise Pоскет. Honor and remember him!
August 22 John Lucian Smith Medal of Honor
John Lucian Smith, a Marine Corps fighter squadron commander, received the Medal of Honor for his leadership over Guadalcanal from August through September 1942. Read his Medal of Honor citation, and honor and remember him.