Paul Lambers, an Army Staff Sergeant with the 25th Infantry Division, led his platoon in fighting off an NVA battalion after his platoon leader was seriously wounded, earning the Medal of Honor. Honor and remember him! Lambers moved in the open in the face of intense NVA fire, repairing a 90mm rifle while under fire to turn canister shot on … Read More
August 19 Masato Nakae Medal of Honor
Masato Nakae received the Medal of Honor for his actions this day near Pisa, Italy. Honor and remember him! Read his Medal of Honor citation:
August 18 Clyde Thomason Medal of Honor
Sergeant Clyde Thomason earned the Medal of Honor posthumously for his fearless leadership at Makin island, when he single-handedly dispatched a sniper and later was killed while leading his squad in an assault on a Japanese bunker. Thomas had joined the Marines in 1934, serving until 1939 in the Pacific, and then reenlisted in January 1942, volunteering to become a … Read More
August 17 Evans Carlson and The Marine Raiders
Evans Carlson led the 2nd Marine Raider Battalion on an heroic raid on Makin atoll to help relieve the Marines defending Guadalcanal. Carlson earned the Navy Cross for his leadership. It was Carlson’ second award of the Navy Cross. Read his Navy Cross citation and honor and remember him!
August 16 Jonathan Wrainwright Freed
General Jonathan Wrainwright, who led the heroic defense of the Philippines, in 1942 against the Japanese invasion, is freed from a POW camp in Manchuria. Wrainwright later received the Medal of Honor. Honor and remember him! Read his Medal of Honor citation:
August 15 James P Connors Medal of Honor
Army Sergeant James P. Connor shows incredible courage & leadership at the landing beaches in southern France, later receiving the Medal of Honor. Honor and remember him! Read his Medal of Honor citation:
August 14 Lester Hammond Medal of Honor
Lester Hammond receive the Medal of Honor posthumously in Korea, when, despite being wounded, he stayed in the open to direct artillery fire after his patrol had been ambushed. Honor and remember him! From Quincy, Illinois, the 21 year old radio operator was part of a six man patrol. He was wounded twice in the fight, but his danger close … Read More
August 13 John Kilmer Medal of Honor
Hospital Corpsman John Kilmer earned the Medal of Honor posthumously at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Korea, when, despite being wounded, he exposed himself to enemy fire to tend to his fellow Marines. He was killed while shielding a Marine from enemy fire with his own body. The Secretary of the Navy, Robert Anderson, presents the Medal of Honor … Read More