July 3 Alonoz Cushing Medal of Honor

Alonzo Cushing received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his leadership at Gettysburg, when he led his artillery battery in beating back Pickett’s charge, despite being horribly wounded. Honor and remember him!

July 2 Joshua Chamberlain & The 20th Maine

The great Joshua Chamberlain led the 20th Maine to victory at Little Round Top during Gettysburg, leading his men in a bayonet charge against the attacking Confederates when they were low on ammunition. Chamberlain’s leadership saved the Union left on this day. Honor and remember him!

July 2 Theodore Roosevelt Medal of Honor

Theodore Roosevelt earned the Medal of Honor for his leadership at San Juan Hill in Cuba, tomorrow and 126 years ago. Roosevelt earned the Medal posthumously, in 2000. Honor and remember him and the rest of the Rough Riders.

Hune 30 John Buford

John Buford. key leadership decision on this day, at the start of the Battle of Gettysburg. Remember him.

June 26 Kiyoshi Muranga Medal of Honor

Kiyohsi Muranga exposed himself to German fire to take out an 88mm gun that had pinned down his company. he received the Medal of Honor in 2000, upgraded from the Distinguished Service Cross. Honor and remember him!