May 28 David Champagne Medal of Honor

David Champagne earned the Medal of Honor posthumously when he saved three fellow Marines from a Chinese communist grenade, which he seized and flung out of his trench during fighting around the Punchbowl in 1952. From Wakefield, RI, Champagne worked in community theater prior to enlisting in 1951. Honor and remember him, Semper Fidelis!

May 27 Louis Zamperini

Olympian Louis Zamperini’s plane crashed in the Pacific eight year ago yesterday, starting his ordeal as a POW as detailed in “Unbroken” by Laura Hillenbrand – a must read! Honor and remember Zamperini and his fellow airmen.

May 28 Jimmy Phipps Medal of Honor

Jimmy Phipps received the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam when he absorbed a grenade blast with his body, saving his platoon commander and another Marine. Honor and remember him! Semper Fidelis!

Memorial Day 2024

“Those who have long enjoyed such privileges as we enjoy forget in time that men have died to win them.” – FDR

May 23 William Carney Medal of Honor

First African-American to earn the Medal of Honor, and the last such Civil War veteran to physically receive the Medal, William Carney’s MoH ceremony on this day for saving the 54th Massachusetts’ colors in July 1863. Honor and remember!

May 24 Louis Rocco Medal of Honor

Louis Rocco, an Army medic, received the Medal of Honor when he saved three soldiers from a burning helicopter in Vietnam. Honor and remember him!

May 23 Uriah Brown Medal of Honor

Uriah Brown received the Medal of Honor at Vicksburg when he dragged five fellow soldiers to safety from Confederate gunfire despite being wounded himself. Honor and remember him!

May 22 The Fight Against Communism

America signed on for the fight against global communism on this date. Honor and remember the Americans who died defeating this horror.

May 22 David McNerney Medal of Honor

Army First Sergeant David McNerney earned the Medal of Honor in Vietnam when he took command of his ambushed company after all the officers had been killed or wounded and led a 24 hour defense that saved many American lives, refusing to being evacuated despite being wounded himself. Honor and remember him!

May 22 Ted Williams Joins The Marine Corps

Baseball’s greatest hitter, the immortal Ted Williams, joined the Marine Corps on this day. He did not see combat in World War II but he flew in the Korean War. Honor and remember this great American!