February 6 The Four Chaplains

Four US Army chaplains gave up their lifeboat seats and lifejackets to other soldiers after their ship, the SS Dorchester, was torpedoed by a German submarine in 1943. The four chaplains linked arms and sang hymns as their ship went down, taking 674 of the 904 soldiers on board to their deaths.

February 5 Thomas Noonan Medal of Honor

Marine Lance Corporal Thomas Noonan earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, when he exposed himself to North Vietnamese fire to rescue wounded Marines trapped in the open, dragging Marines towards safety until he was mortally wounded. 

February 4 Alfredo Gonzalez Medal of Honor

Honor and remember Alfredo Gonzalez, who earned the Medal of Honor at Hue City in 1968 for his leadership and courage even after being severely wounded. The USS Gonzalez, a guided missile destroyer, was named in his honor in 1996.  

February 3 Willibald Bianchi Medal of Honor

Will you remember Willibald Bianchi, who received the Medal of Honor for his leadership during the defense of Bataan in 1942? Bianchi volunteered to lead a counter-attack against Japanese troops, pressing the attack even though wounded several times.  Bianchi was taken prisoner and endured the Bataan death March, where he was known for his compassion and leadership. Bianchi received the … Read More

February 2 James Dyess Medal of Honor

Marines and fellow Americans, here is an incredible leadership story. James Dyess earned the Medal of Honor posthumously at Kwajalein in World War II, when he saved five Marines who had been pinned down on three sides by Japanese troops. Honor and remember him. Dyess grew up in Georgia, an Eagle Scout who graduated from Clemson University. He joined the … Read More

February 1 Emile Deleau Medal of Honor

Sergeant Emile DeLeau earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Oberhoffen, France when he almost single-handedly cleared four entrenched houses of Germans, capturing ten of the enemy and killing nine. DeLeau, from Blaine, Ohio, landed with the 36th Infantry Division in southern France in August 1944 as part of Operation Dragoon. By early 1945, his regiment was fighting in eastern … Read More

January 31 Jefferson DeBlanc Medal of Honor

Marine Corps aviator Jefferson DeBlanc earned the Medal of Honor on this day, when, despite mechanical problems with his own plane, he aggressively attacked a flight of Japanese planes, quickly shooting down five before he was shot down himself. Honor and remember him! Overall, LeBlanc had nine kills in two tours in the Pacific. He received the Medal of Honor … Read More

January 30 Jesse Drowley Medal of Honor

Staff Sergeant Jesse Drowley earned the Medal of Honor on Bouganville when ran across open ground to get armored support, and then directed the tank’s fire to destroy a Japanese bunker, though badly wounded himself. He was shot in the chest but refused to be evacuated until the bunker was destroyed.  From Spokane, Washington, Drowley survived his wounds and received … Read More

January 29 Leonard Funk Medal of Honor

I am remembering Leonard Funk today, a hard charing paratrooper who earned the Medal of Honor with the 82nd Airborne in 1945. Funk was one of the most decorated paratroopers of the War, earning the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal, and three Purple Hearts. Honor and remember First Sergeant Funk!

January 28 Eric Gibson Medal of Honor

Eric Gibson earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Italy, when he single-handedly attacked a succession  of German positions, crawling under machine gun fire and artillery, and throwing grenades to knock out the enemy.