July 17 David Waybur Medal of Honor

David Waybur, an Army lieutenant, received the Medal of Honor for actions this day while fighting off three Italian tanks in the course of relieving a group of cut off Rangers.  He was wounded, but stayed in the fight, killing the crew of one enemy tank personally with his Thompson submachine gun, and then leading the rest of his men … Read More

July 16 Dale Christensen Medal of Honor

Dale Christensen, an Army Lieutenant with the 112th Cavalry earned the Medal of Honor for his sustained leadership in close combat against Japanese forces in New Guinea. He destroyed five machine gun nests while on a lone recon, then returned to lead his platoon in knocking out a further ten Japanese gun emplacements. Honor and remember him!

July 15 Kazuo Otani Medal of Honor

Kazuo Otani received the Medal of Honor posthumously for his heroic leadership on this day in 1944. Otani’s platoon was pinned down by a German ambush in Italy. He rallied the platoon, organizing an effective counter-attack, and dragging a wounded soldier to safety, before he was cut down. Honor and remember him!

July 14 The Man In The Arena

It feels like a good day for a TR quote… It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and … Read More

July 13 Wright Brothers’ & Intellectual Curiosity

“We were lucky enough to grow up in an environment where there was always much encouragement to children to pursue intellectual interests –  to investigate whatever aroused curiosity.” – Orville Wright

July 12 Roy Harmon Medal of Honor

Roy Harmon received the Medal of Honor on this day, when he rushed two German machine gun emplacements, despite being wounded himself. Honor and remember him. 

July 11 Gerald Endl Medal of Honor

Gerald Endl earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in New Guinea when he held off a Japanese attack single-handedly, covering the evacuation if wounded soldiers. He was killed while carrying the last wounded man to safety. Honor and remember him!

July 10 John Parle Medal of Honor

Ensign John Parle, United States Navy, saved many fellow Americans during the invasion of Sicily, sacrificing his body to extinguish a fire on an ammunition ship, later receiving the Medal Of Honor for his actions. Honor and remember him!

July 9 Donald Pucket Medal of Honor

Donald Pucket earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in a raid over Romania in 1944.  The US Army Air Corps waged a sustained bombing campaign against Romanian oil fields and refiners from 1943 onward in order deprive the Axis powers. Pucket commanded his B-24 Liberator on one such raid on July 9, 1944. When his plane was damaged, Pucket calmly … Read More

July 8 Grant Timmerman Medal of Honor

Marine Corps Sergeant Grant Timmerman received the Medal of Honor for his actions this day in Saipan, where he exposed himself to enemy fire repeatedly and then blocked a Japanese grenade blast with his body. Honor and remember him.