February 1 Richard Anderson

We must not forget the name of Richard Anderson, who earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, when he threw himself on a Vietnamese grenade to save the life of his fellow Marine. He died a casualty of the greater war against global communism and Americans should honor his memory.

February 1 Emile Deleau Medal of Honor

Sergeant Emile DeLeau earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Oberhoffen, France when he almost single-handedly cleared four entrenched houses of Germans, capturing ten of the enemy and killing nine. DeLeau, from Blaine, Ohio, landed with the 36th Infantry Division in southern France in August 1944 as part of Operation Dragoon. By early 1945, his regiment was fighting in eastern … Read More

February 1 Drew Dix Medal of Honor

Drew Dix, a Special Forces Staff Sergeant, earned the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership in the defense of Chau Phu against the Viet Cong during the Tet Offensive. 

January 31 Jefferson DeBlanc Medal of Honor

Marine Corps aviator Jefferson DeBlanc earned the Medal of Honor on this day, when, despite mechanical problems with his own plane, he aggressively attacked a flight of Japanese planes, quickly shooting down five before he was shot down himself. Honor and remember him! Overall, LeBlanc had nine kills in two tours in the Pacific. He received the Medal of Honor … Read More

January 31 13th Amendment Passed

13th Amendment to the Constitution passes the House OTD, ending slavery in the United States. 829,000 northern men were killed, injured, became a prisoner of war, or went missing during the war that ended slavery. 

January 30 The Raid On Cabantuan

Tell your kids about the Raid on Cabantuan, when a combined force of Army Rangers and Filipino scouts executed a daring rescue behind Japanese lines to free hundreds of allied prisoners.

January Jesse Drowley Medal of Honor

Staff Sergeant Jesse Drowley earned the Medal of Honor on Bouganville when ran across open ground to get armored support, and then directed the tank’s fire to destroy a Japanese bunker, though badly wounded himself. He was shot in the chest but refused to be evacuated until the bunker was destroyed.  From Spokane, Washington, Drowley survived his wounds and received … Read More

January 29 Leonard Funk Medal of Honor

I am remembering Leonard Funk today, a hard charing paratrooper who earned the Medal of Honor with the 82nd Airborne in 1945. Funk was one of the most decorated paratroopers of the War, earning the Distinguished Service Cross, Silver Star, Bronze Star Medal, and three Purple Hearts. Honor and remember First Sergeant Funk!

January 28 Eric Gibson Medal of Honor

Eric Gibson earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Italy, when he single-handedly attacked a succession  of German positions, crawling under machine gun fire and artillery, and throwing grenades to knock out the enemy.

The Noble Train Of Artillery

It was a small step on the road to independence but a tremendous logistical achievement. Also known as the Knox Expedition, American rebels lugged, pulled and carried almost sixty cannon across 300 miles of backwoods country to Boston, allowing general Washington to pound the British holding Boston, forcing them to withdraw.