January 20 Ronald Reagan Sworn In As President

Ronald Reagan was sworn in as the 40th President of the United States on this day. On the same day, and almost at the same moment, the 52 American hostage held by Iran were freed. Reagan found out at a luncheon after the inaugural, and said, “With thanks to Almighty God, I have been given a tag line, the get-off … Read More

January 19 Mike Bearrs Medal of Honor

Americans and Marines, this is a fantastic story! Marine Captain Mike Bearrs earned the Medal of Honor in the Philippines in 1901 when he led an attack on a heavily defended enemy position. Great Marine who laid the foundation for the Corps battlefield success in World War I, World War II and beyond! Honor and remember him!  Bearrs later commanded … Read More

January 19 Michael McKeever Medal of Honor

Michael McKeever earned the Medal of Honor in the Civil War when, while scouting for the Union Army, he charged a Confederate cavalry force, driving off six times the number of their own force.  Born in Ireland, McKeever, enlisted in Company K, 5th Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, known as the Cameron Dragoons, on September 9, 1861 and eventually rose to the … Read More

January 18 Gordon Yntema Medal of Honor

I am thinking about Gordon Yntema today, a Sergeant with the 5th Special Forces Group in Vietnam, who earned the Medal of Honor posthumously OTD when he led two platoons of irregular troops in a two day battle against the Viet Cong, wielding his rifle as a club when he ran out of ammunition and refusing to surrender. Yntema grew … Read More

January 16 Jose Calugas Medal of Honor

Jose Calugas Medal of Honor

Tell your fellow Americans about, Jose Calugas, a member of the Philippine Scouts, who earned the Medal of Honor during the siege of Bataan, running 1000 yards across machine gun swept open ground to get a field gun back in action. Rallying the men around the gun, he defended the position all day, allowing the Americans and Filipinos to reorganize … Read More

January 17 Donald Sloat Medal of Honor

Donald P Slot received the Medal of Honor posthumously on this day in Vietnam, when he smothered an enemy booby trap to his body to save the lives of his fellow soldiers. A machine-gunner with the American Division, Sloat was part of a patrol, on elf whose members triggered a booby-trap grenade. Sloat grabbed the explosive and covered it with … Read More

January 15 Arthur Beyer Medal of Honor

Arther Beyer, a child of Luxembourgian immigrants, earned the Medal of Honor his his heroic leadership during World War II, when he attacked two fortified German positions single-handedly, silencing two machine guns, killing eight Germans and capturing 18 prisoners. Please honor and remember him! 

January 14 William Palmer Medal of Honor

William Palmer, an extraordinary American, earned the Medal of Honor on this date during the Civil War, when, with fewer than 200 men, he attacked and defeated a superior Confederate force, capturing a cannon and 100 prisoners. Palmer ought to be know by every American! Born in Pennsylvania in 1836 to a Quaker family, Palmer was working by age 15 … Read More

January 14 Hood Cole

Amazing story to write about today. This is the kind of story we should tell our kids about today and tomorrow if we want to perpetuate patriotism in our country. Cole Hood will be laid to rest tomorrow in Canton, Georgia, 78 years after he went missing in the Battle of the Bulge. Honor and remember him and the 10,300 … Read More