James Monroe, founding father and fifth president of the United States, was born on this day.
April 28 Dominican Republic Liberation
The 82nd Airborne and the 5th Marines liberate the Dominican Republic from communist forces. 22 Americans died while preventing the country from becoming a satellite of communist Cuba. Honor and remember them!
April 26 Marines Capture Derna, Tripoli
It’s a great Marine Corps day! United States Marines led by Presley O’Bannon capture Derna, Tripoli from the Barbary pirates. Honor and remember!
April 26 Michael Estocin Medal of Honor
Michael Estocin, a naval lieutenant commander, received the Medal of Honor for actions over North Vietnam on this day. He received the medal posthumously, after repeated engagements over Hanoi.
April 25 Brad Hoelscher Downs An Me-262
Brad Hoelscher, an Army Air Force lieutenant flying a P-51 Mustang, shot down a German Me-262 jet, before crash landing himself. He did not get credit for the kill, which would have made him a World war II ace. Honor and remember him!
April 22 Herbert Littleton Medal of Honor
Herbert Littleton, a Marine serving with Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Marines, earned the Medal of Honor posthumously when he smothered a grenade with his body to save his brothers’ lives. Honor and remember!
April 21 Daniel Inouye Medal of Honor
Daniel Inouye received the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership on this day in Italy, when, though wounded by sniper and small arms fire, he exposed himself to German fire to silence two machine gun emplacements.
April 20 Downing Yamamoto’s Plane
(1) American pilots ambush Admiral Yамамото’s plane, killing the Imperial Japanese mastermind and leader of the Pearl Harbor attack that killed over 2200 Americans. Rex Barber and Thomas Lanphier, flying P-38 Lightnings, were each credited with a half a kill for downing Yamamoto’s plane. Honor and remember these Americans!
April 19 Battle Road
The American Revolution started on this day when colonists engaged British troops along “battle road”. Honor and remember the 49 Americas killed in this fight towards American freedom! History is so palpable along Battle Road, and if you have never visited, you must go!