January 3 George Turner Medal of Honor

Remembering George Turner today, who earned the Medal of Honor OTD in France when he fired a bazooka in the open and then a light machine gun from the hip to break up a German attack. Honor and remember him! Turner was a 46 year old Private from California. He had enlisted in the Marine Corps in World War I … Read More

January 3 1777 William Shippin

Captain William Shippin was the first Marine killed in combat in our Corps’ history. He was one of the 44 Americans who died during the Battle of Princeton on this day in 1777. All Marines should know his name, the first of the over 41,000 Marines who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our republic. Shippin was the captain of … Read More

January 2 Battle of Princeton

George Washington led the Continental Army to victory on this day at Princeton, NY, rallying the American troops at the decisive moment. This victory and that at Trenton a week earlier, rejuvenated the American cause. Honor and remember the 46 Americans who died across these two battles!

January 1 Paul Revere Born

The great Paul Revere, an immortal American, was born on this day in 1735. An original Son of Liberty, Revere organized an intelligence and alarm system to alert the patriots of British troops activity. Of course, on April 18-19, 1775, he and two other men rode throughout the countryside to alert colonial troops to the approach of British troops, before … Read More

December 31 Donald Cook Medal of Honor

I am remembering Donald Cook today, a legendary Marine and a great American leader, who suffered as a prisoner of war of the Viet Cong for three years, inspiring his fellow prisoners with his courage, selflessness and dedication. Start the New Year in the spirit of Donald Cook, who devoted himself to his fellow Americans in arduous times!  Cook was … Read More

December 30 Robert Howard Medal of Honor

Robert Howard was a legendary soldier, and one of the most decorated Americans of the Vietnam War. He was nominated for the Medal of Honor for three separate actions, finally receiving the Medal for his leadership on December 30, 1968. Howard was part of the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam – Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG) in Vietnam, which led aggressive … Read More

“Paulie” Nash Medal of Honor

Thinking obout “Paulie” Nash today, who earned the Medal of Honor posthumously 65 years ago when he threw himself on a grenade and saved the lives of his fellow soldiers. Honor and remember him! Nash was from Whitesville, KY and was drafted after high school. He was proud to serve in Vietnam, thinking it was “the right thing to do.” … Read More

Delbert Jennings Medal of Honor

Delbert Jennings earned the Medal of Honor in 1966 in Vietnam, fighting against an NVA regiment. Leaping to a machine gun, he poured devastating fire on the NVA & then rescued eight wounded Americans trapped behind enemy forces. Honor & remember him!

Melvin Biddle Medal of Honor

Continuing the remembrance theme for Christmas week, Melvin Earl “Bud” Biddle earned the Medal of Honor on this day during the Battle of the Bulge, when he recon’ed the German lines alone, killed three snipers, & knocked out a machine gun nest.  For his leadership that day, Biddle received the Medal of Honor on October 30, 1945. This is the … Read More

Paul Bolden Medal of Honor

Thinking about the thousands of Americans in vicious combat against Nazi troops at the Battle of the Bulge today. We should honor men like Paul Bolden, who earned the Medal of Honor for his heroic leadership today, 79 years ago! Bolden was a Staff Sergeant in the 30th Infantry Division who assaulted a Waffen SS block house, tossing grenades in … Read More