Unique, High Quality & patriotic educational Content

our content rests on five reading principles that combine to pull boys into the story.

1. Gaming & Decision Making
Reluctant readers want to control the narrative, enjoying content where they can influence the outcome or see the impact of bad decisions.

"If you want a boy to read, don't give him a book, give him a game."
- To Be A Boy, To Be a Reader, Dr. William Brozo, George Mason University, International Reading Assoc.
2. Plenty Of Action In Every Mission
Missions move along briskly, often resulting in life-and-death consequences. The stakes are high, providing a reward for readers who make the right decisions in each story.

“Boys like... sports, action, and scary stuff..."
- To Be A Boy, To Be a Reader, Dr. William Brozo, George Mason University, International Reading Assoc.
3. Rich & Authentic Imagery
Our Missions combine text and comic book pages in a highly visual, compelling way. Our stories also contain charts, maps and diagrams throughout each Mission and Mission Briefing.

“Boys need an extra jolt of imagery to engage them in reading...”
- Girls & Boys Learn Differently, Dr. Michael Guruan
4. Connect To Boys' Aspirations
Our Missions clearly show kids how to be leaders themselves, a highly aspirational concept for boys

“Boys prefer texts that have a purpose: getting information, making things, and helping others.”
- Girls & Boys Learn Differently, Dr. Michael Guruan
5. Multi-Generational Appeal
Moms and dads will enjoy our missions as much as boys will. We also recommend companion books that can help parents answer boys' questions.

“Boys read if Mom or Dad reads too - not to them but with them.”
- - Dr. Michele L. Simpson,"Readers, Teachers & Learners"