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About Great American LeadersWe are on a mission, creating content about the amazing Americans who sacrificed and struggled to make America great!

Great Americans

The physical, mental and moral leaders who sacrificed so we could be free.

George Washington
The greatest American of all time. He led the nation first in war and then in peace.

This Mission will trace Washington's life and the choices he made, as a young man in the French & Indian War, as the nation's first military leader, and then as the country's initial President.

Harriet Tubman
An incredible leader who won her own freedom before freeing other slaves.

Walk in Tubman's footsteps, born into slavery, who escaped to the north, returned thirteen times to lead other slaves to freedom, and later served as a scout and spy for the Union Army.

Abraham Lincoln
He gave America her new birth of freedom and preserved the Union.

Unexpected and underestimated, Lincoln persevered through challenge after challenge, dedicated to a renewed commitment to the Declaration of Independence's ideals.

Theodore Roosevelt
The maverick American showed that biology was not destiny.

The quintissential restless, energetic, unapologetic American, who ushered the Republic unto the world stage.

Neil Armstrong
The "can-do" American spirit in the flesh, advancing all mankind's dreams.

A Mission about more than one man, capturing the physical and mental leadership of the men who made up the Moon program.

Martin Luther King
An American who helped all other Americans look past the color of the skin of their countrymen.

From the early protests in the south to the March on Washington, make the decisions that helped the Republic ensure equality for all Americans.

World War II Leaders

Americans from different backgrounds who kept the world free.

Jimmy Doolittle
Doolittle was a humble yet extraordinary leader who struck the first blow against imperial Japan.

Positive leadership and a can-do attitude made Doolittle the man to lead the raid on Tokyo.

Peter ortiz
Peter Ortiz, a Marine, led an heroic OSS mission in Nazi occupied France.

Walk in Ortiz's steps, from fighting in the French Foreign Legion against German invasion of France to returning help the Resistance as a Marine Corps OSS officer.

Maurice Rose
Maurice Rose, the first Jewish General officer, a hard nosed Warrior who led the American Army into the heart of the Reich.

The son and grandson of rabbis from Poland, Rose led the 3rd Armored Division from the front as his tanks breached the Siegfried Line.

Tuskegee airmen
Benjamin Davis led the first African-Airmen pilots in their fight for the right to fight for our country.

Face the decisions that these leaders made in forming, nurturing and leading in combat these barrier breaking air squadrons.

Go For Broke
These men, second generation Japanese-Americans, proved their dedication to an America that suspected and feared them.

From North Africa, to Sicily, through Italy and on into Germany, the 442nd Regimental Combat Team set a leadership example for all Americans.

Virginia Hall
Fearless and inventive, Virginia Hall broke barriers and fought Nazis, serving as an undercover agent in German occupied France.

In spite of her wooden leg, Hall led two long term missions in France, organizing and supplying the Resistance and defying the fascists.

American Leaders at war

from the revolution through the civil war to the fight against communism, unique leaders who gave their all for liberty.

Alexander Hamilton
A bastard and an immigrant, Hamilton raised himself through hard work, courage and a dedication to American independence.

Witness the challenges that Hamilton faced in rising from poverty and obscurity to becoming a hero in the Revolution and an architect of the new republic.

Joshua chamberlain
Chamberlain and his men held the line at Gettysburg, stopping the Confederates and ensuring Union victory.

A logic and rhetoric professor before the Civil War, Chamberlain ardently believed in preserving the Union, volunteering, fighting and leading throughout the conflict.

Alvin york
A hard charging native of Tennessee who was also a devout Christian, York struggled with the rightness of fighting in World War I.

See how you would navigate the turns in York's life, from growing up poor in Appalachia to facing the most lethal army in the world in France.

Joseph rochefort
This brilliant but eccentric leader was critical to America's victory at Midway, devising a trap for the Japanese Navy.

From deciphering the Japanese signals, to leading their Navy to Midway, to the attacks of our bombers and torpedo plans, make the choices that ensure American victory.

Kurt Chew-Een Lee
The first Asian American to receive a Marine Corps officer commission, Lee earned the Navy Cross during the Korean War.

Facing Chinese Communist soldiers, he confused the enemy by yelling orders to them in Mandarin.

John Ripley
A legendary Marine who led a last ditch fight against the communist troops at Dong Ha.

When most Americans thought that the War was over, Ripley held off 20,000 North Vietnamese troops at Dong Ha.

our mission is to create content that gets kids reading, developing character and leadership skills and building pride in American heroes and history.