Stephen Doane earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, on this day 45 years ago, when he destroyed an enemy bunker while also absorbing the grenade blast himself, allowing his pinned down platoon to maneuver out of the ambush area and save wounded Americans. Honor and remember him! Doane, a native of Beverly, Massachusetts and Albany, New York, was … Read More
March 24 Harry Martin
Harry Martin earned the Medal of Honor posthumously on Iwo Jima when he rallied his Marines on the night of March 24-25, 1945, to defeat the last banzai charge of the war, days after the island had been declared secured.
March 23 Edward Carter Medal of Honor
Edward Carter earned the Medal of Honor on this day in 1945. The Medal was bestowed posthumously in 1996. A missionaries’ son, Carter grew up in India and Shanghai, China, was fluent in four languages and fought in China against the Japanese and in Spain for the republican cause before going the US Army in 1942. Carter volunteered for … Read More
March 21 Charles Hosking Medal of Honor
Charles Hosking earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, when he shielded fellow Americans from a grenade blast with his own body. Honor and remember him! Hosking had served, briefly, in the Canadian Army when he was sixteen years old, before going the Coast Guard and then the United States Army during World War II. He was serving as … Read More
March 20 “I Shall Return.”
General Douglas MacArthur, at Terowie, South Australia, makes his famous speech regarding the fall of the Philippines, in which he says: “I came out of Bataan and I shall return”.
March 19 O’Callahan Medal of Honor
Father Joseph O’Callahan earned the Medal of Honor for his life saving efforts on the USS Franklin after it was hit by a kamikaze off Iwo Jima. A Jesuit, he ignore danger to give last rights to dying Americans on the carrier’s deck and organized a party to wet down a magazine to prevent rounds from cooking off. He was … Read More
March 18 Frederick Murphy Medal of Honor
Frederick Murphy earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Germany at the end of World War II, when he was serving as a medic. His story is incredible, a tale of patriotism, dedications and a desire to serve the Republic. Take a moment to learn his story, and to honor and remember him. Murphy was killed while saving many Americans … Read More
March 17 Patrick Mullen Medal of Honor
Patrick Mullen, born in Ireland, was one of nineteen service members to earn the Medal of Honor twice. He earned it the first time, during river boat combat on March 17, 1865. Honor and remember him!
March 16 Alfred Rascon Medal of Honor
Alfred Rascon earned the Medal of Honor as a medic in Vietnam, when he exposed himself to enemy fire and shielded wounded Americans with his own body. Honor and remember his service!