Flag Raising On Mount Suribachi

In one of the most iconic moments in American history, five United States Marines raided the American flag on Mount Suribachi during the third day of the liberation of Iwo Jima. 

February 23 William Grabriarz Medal of Honor

William J. Grabiarz earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in the Philippines when he tried to save a wounded officer. Though wounded, Grabriarz shielded the wounded man with his own body, thereby saving his fellow American’s life. Honor and remember William Grabriarz! From Buffalo, New York, Grabriarz was part of the 1st Cavalry Division. While on a scouting mission, Grabriarz … Read More

February 22 Wesley Fox Medal of Honor

Marine Captain Wesley Fox earned the Medal of Honor for his leadership as a company commander in Vietnam, when he skillfully led his unit in action despite being twice wounded. Fox knocked out one North Vietnamese bunker out personally, then coordinated his company’s attack on a second bunker. He called in air strikes and exposed himself to enemy fire, pressing … Read More

February 22 Purple Heart Medal

The Purple Heart was reinstated by an act of Congress on this day in 1932. Meant in the lineage of George Washington’s Badge of Military Merit, it was awarded to all those wounded in combat since the Great War.

February 22 George Washington Born

Honor and remember the greatest American of all time – indeed one of the greatest men in history – who was born on this day. He led our country to victory in Revolution and set the example for moderate and considerate political leadership.

February 21 Robert Dunlap Medal of Honor

Robert Dunlap earned the Medal of Honor on Iwo Jima on this day for his heroic leadership of his rifle company. When his company was stopped by Japanese defenses, Dunlap crawled alone across 200 yards of open ground to spot the enemy strong points. After crawling back to his men, he exposed himself to fire to direct artillery and naval … Read More