February 11 Edward Dahlgren Medal of Honor

Edward Dahlgren killed eight German and captured 33 more in rapid sequence of attacks on German strong points in Oberhoffen, France, earning the Medal of Honor.  Dahlgren rescued a trapped platoon along the away, and repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire. He received the Medal on September 10, 1945 before returning to his native Maine. Honor and remember him!

February 10 George Davis Medal of Honor

Honor and remember one of America’s greatest fighter pilots, George Andrew Davis, who was an ace in both World War II and Korea. Davis earned the Medal of Honor posthumously after he attacked twelve Chinese MiG-15’s before they were able to pounce on unaware American planes.  In World War II, Davis flew over New Guinea and the Philippines, flying the … Read More

February 9 Joseph Cichietti Medal of Honor

Joseph Cicchetti earned the Medal of Honor posthumously during the liberation of the Philippines when he organized a squad of soldiers to rescue over 14 Americans trapped beneath Japanese guns. American troops had become bogged down in Manila in the face of fanatical Japanese resistance. Cicchetti volunteered as a litter bearer, and, for over four hours, worked back and forth … Read More

February 8 Sherman Born

William Tecumseh Sherman, who partnered with US Grant to destroy the Confederacy, was born on this day. Sherman was the forerunner of the modern military American general officers who saw success in World War I and World War II. 

February 7 Thomas Kinsman Medal of Honor

Thomas Kingsman, serving with the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam, earned the Medal of Honor when he blocked a grenade blast with his body to save the lives of his buddies. He survived the blast. Honor and remember him! Kinsman and eight other soldiers had been separated from the rest of their company when a VC grenade landed in their … Read More

February 4 Alfredo Gonzalez Medal of Honor

Honor and remember Alfredo Gonzalez, who earned the Medal of Honor at Hue City in 1968 for his leadership and courage even after being severely wounded. The USS Gonzalez, a guided missile destroyer, was named in his honor in 1996.  

February 3 Willibald Bianchi Medal of Honor

Will you remember Willibald Bianchi, who received the Medal of Honor for his leadership during the defense of Bataan in 1942? Bianchi volunteered to lead a counter-attack against Japanese troops, pressing the attack even though wounded several times.  Bianchi was taken prisoner and endured the Bataan death March, where he was known for his compassion and leadership. Bianchi received the … Read More

February 2 James Dyess Medal of Honor

Marines and fellow Americans, here is an incredible leadership story. James Dyess earned the Medal of Honor posthumously at Kwajalein in World War II, when he saved five Marines who had been pinned down on three sides by Japanese troops. Honor and remember him. Dyess grew up in Georgia, an Eagle Scout who graduated from Clemson University. He joined the … Read More