March 27 William Charette Medal of Honor

William Charette, a hospital corpsman with 2nd Battalion, 7th Marines, earned the Medal of Honor for a battle on Vegas Hill in Korea against Chinese communist troops, when he repeatedly exposed himself to enemy fire to save his fellow Marines. Honor and remember!

March 27 Clinton Hedrick Medal of Honor

Clinton Hedrick earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Germany, when he charged through enemy fire during Operation: Varsity to defeat numerous enemy groups, and then covered the withdrawal of Americans after being ambushed. Honor and remember him!

March 26 Douglas Dickey Medal of Honor

I am thinking about a young Marine, Douglas Dickey, who earned the Medal of Honor posthumously on this day in Vietnam, when he threw himself on a Viet Cong grenade to save the lives of his fellow Marines. He was born in Greenville, Ohio and was 21 years old when he was killed in action. Honor and remember him! Read … Read More

March 25 Stephen Doane Medal of Honor

Stephen Doane earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, on this day 45 years ago, when he destroyed an enemy bunker while also absorbing the grenade blast himself, allowing his pinned down platoon to maneuver out of the ambush area and save wounded Americans. Honor and remember him! Doane, a native of Beverly, Massachusetts and Albany, New York, was … Read More

March 24 William Maud Bryant Medal of Honor

William Maud Bryant earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam for his determined and courageous leadership, leading a small South Vietnamese force against a much larger NVA unit in 34 hours of sustained combat. Honor and remember him!

March 23 Edward Carter Medal of Honor

Edward Carter earned the Medal of Honor on this day in 1945. The Medal was bestowed posthumously in 1996.   A missionaries’ son, Carter grew up in India and  Shanghai, China, was fluent in four languages and fought in China against the Japanese and in Spain for the republican cause before going the US Army in 1942.  Carter volunteered for … Read More

March 21 Charles Hosking Medal of Honor

Charles Hosking earned the Medal of Honor posthumously in Vietnam, when he shielded fellow Americans from a grenade blast with his own body. Honor and remember him! Hosking had served, briefly, in the Canadian Army when he was sixteen years old, before going the Coast Guard and then the United States Army during World War II. He was serving as … Read More